Do Mice Carry Fleas? Other Facts About Fleas!

a flea on a white surface

If you already have a problem with mice in your home, you may have noticed that you have an associated problem: fleas. Wondering how the two fit together? Really well, actually.

Mice & Fleas 

If you’ve ever dealt with either mice or fleas separately, you know how hard the two can be to get rid of. Add them together, and you have one serious problem on your hands. The fleas will begin laying eggs all over your house, and the mice will start to multiply once inside too. Fleas can number in the thousands rather quickly, and a colony of mice—if you’re not dealing with the problem—can get rather big rather quickly.

Keeping Mice & Fleas Out

If you haven’t experienced this lovely combination yet, you certainly don’t want to. There are several things you can do to keep the mice, and thus the fleas, out of your home. 

How to Keep Mice Out of Your Home

Start by taking a closer look at the outside of your house. Are there any cracks or crevices small enough for a mouse to sneak in? If so, seal them up as well as you possibly can with caulk, spray foam, or a patch of some kind. 

Inside your home, you may want to make sure that you remove any possible food source, including dog, cat, and bird food—and keep it in sealed containers. If you have small children, you may want to confine their snacks to the kitchen to keep from picking up crumbs here, there, and everywhere. You’ll also need to seal your garbage can each evening and avoid leaving dirty dishes in the sink. 

Need a Mice or Flea Exterminator in Massachusetts?

Mice and fleas can go hand in hand, but it’s preventable. If you see either in your house, be sure to contact a pest control specialist immediately. Located in Massachusetts? The team at Ransford is here to help! We offer both mouse control and flea control. Give us a call today!

FAQs About Fleas

Can You Get Fleas If You Don’t Have Pets?

Yes. If you notice a flea problem and you do not have any pets in your home—or the pets that you do have are treated—your best bet is to look for a rodent infestation. 

Can Mice Carry Fleas?

Yes. As with any animal that has fur, mice are great carriers of fleas. Once mice head inside your home, the fleas can too.

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